Natural Reagents: Glinting Crow Eyes



Collect 12 Glinting Crow Eyes from the Primal Crows and bring them to the Leafy Family.


Now it is time to continue the war with the shamans. We must stop them from gathering another one of their reagents! To create Lethargy Potions they use the eyes of the crows that roam the Kingdom. We must take them for ourselves, even if it means murdering the poor beasts! In the end the peace it will bring will be worth it.

Follow the road to the east until you reach the lands where the snow falls. There the crows roam freely. Kill many of them, and remember to pry out their eyes after they are dead. Then bring them to me and I shall dispose of the filthy things. I am sure that without half of their potions, the shamans will soon fall!


We have a very good reason to hate those Orcs and Xadaganians. They are the ancestral enemies of both Gibberlings and wardens!


Give me those crow eyes! Now to crush them under our heels, just as we will the shamans. Ha!


Experience: +1400

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