The Threat in the Jungle



Kill Kagot the Mad and return to Inna Larova.


I was tracking down a demon in the jungle, but this isn't just any demon. His name is Kagot the Mad and, believe it or not, he's a hunter himself! But he hunts us - Kanians, Orcs, Gibberlings, everything that moves!

I set a trap for him in the jungle near this one spot he always hangs around, but the bastard snuck up on me from behind! I got so scared that I ended up triggering my own trap! Next thing I know I'm dangling off a rope, upside down!

Thankfully, I had some repellent and that kept the beast at bay until my buddies came to my rescue. The demon took off into the jungle, but not before leaving me some bite marks as a keepsake. Not to mention the broken foot I received from twisting and squirming in that noose. Please, do me a big favor and slay that pesky demon!


The others keep pitying me, offering to hunt as a team like I'm sort of newbie! A Demon Hunter needs no pity. I want them to treat me as their equal! So, is Kagot the Mad dead?


Thank you! I kept having the worst nightmares about him! May he burn in the brightest fires of hell!


Experience: +1440

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