Saving the Wounded



Collect 10 portions of Crocodile Fat and 10 Canabar Leaves for Sarbaz Sitdjehuti.


Demons coat their weapons with some unknown poison that inflicts terrible wounds! Just look at these poor souls - can't you feel their suffering?

One of them was barely grazed by a demon's spear, but he started hemorrhaging only minutes later. That's how their poison works! Even if those demons die, they get the last laugh!

I need anesthetics and medical ointments, but our supplies are running out... How about you collect ten portions of crocodile fat and ten canabar leaves for me? With those I can start treating their wounds. There should be plenty of those ingredients in the jungle.


Canabar is a magnificent anesthetic. The only downside is that it's also addictive... Some of my patients get so used to it during treatment that they can't stop using it even after they're well.


Thanks, now let me lock up the canabar just in case! I can't have the healthy stealing it! So, is this supposed to be the crocodile fat? Whoa, those crocodiles sure are fat! Thanks for your help.


Experience: +720

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