Punishers and Their Axes



Collect 15 Axes from Demon Punishers and bring them to Headquarter Astralophone in Overlord's Stronghold.


Words appear on the surface of the Astralophone:

"We are interested in the weapon of Demon Punishers. We suggest that its metal has unique properties and is very perceptible to magic effects. If we manage to disclose this secret, it will help us in fighting demons.

Collect 15 axes from Demon Punishers and bring them to the Astralophone."


Surface of the Astralophone is blank and cold. There are no new messages.


Flaming letters are displayed on the surface of the Astralophone:

"Great! We have received the trophies and started the research. Hopefully we will manage to disclose the secret of the new alloy. If we need more weapon to analyze, we'll inform you. Thanks for the excellent job!"



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