Meeting with the Tailor



Speak with Yana Beketova in Yasker's Tower.


Attention, attention!
New orders from Yasker.
"In order to improve the quality of the services provided and the goods produced, and thus disprove the dirty insinuations of the enemies of the Empire, I decree:
First: Hold an Exhibition of Achievements of the Imperial Economy (EAIE) in Nezebgrad. At this exhibition, the best craftsmen of the Empire will present their products, demonstrating the superiority of the Imperial crafts.
Second: I call on all conscientious citizens of the Empire to undergo training from the masters of Nezebgrad and become specialists in a craft of their choice.
Signed by Yasker."
There you go. You're a conscientious citizen, aren't you? Then I highly recommend visiting Yasker's Tower and talking to the trainers. You should start with Yana Beketova, she's a tailor.
But don't buy textbooks just yet. First speak with all the trainers. Then make your choice. Remember, you can learn only one profession! If you want another, you'll have to go to the Boutique or get a license for the second profession, which is really hard to do.
However, if you already know which craft you want to learn, tell me about it, and I'll give you a task from the appropriate master. I'll also give you a proper manual and a tool - for a symbolic sum of 50 silver coins. It will cost you more than if you went directly to the masters, but the difference goes to the Empire's treasury.


Aha, a new member of our trade! You do want to talk about tailoring, right? I've always got time for that.


Experience: +240

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