Meeting with the Leatherworker



Speak with Karim Shagrenin in Yasker's Tower.


We are the weavers of textiles, so supplying clothes to magicians and necromancers is our specialty! We use different fabrics to make mantles, headwear, gloves... In short, every kind of cloth armor one could need!

You can join us, all you need is to buy the training book and tools from me! If you aren't lazy, you'll go far in this profession. I'll give you a few tips and recipes, and soon they'll be praising your name all around the Empire. That sounds nice, doesn't it? And it's good for the state!

However, you can reach the same fame in another profession as well, like leatherworking. Somewhere around here is a colleague of mine named Karim Shagrenin who teaches citizens how to turn animal hides into clothing. Talk to him if you'd like to learn more about that.


Did Yana send you?

We're old friends. She makes cloth armor, and I leather. I can tell you more about leatherworking if you'd like.


Experience: +240

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