Defiled Tombs



Use the Holy Water to cleanse 5 Cursed Zem Tombs and report to Thunder the Crafty.


My name is Thunder the Crafty of the City Council! I represent the authority here. You must be the Imperial Survivor. Have you been authorized to assist our operations at the Dusty Catacombs? Fine! Here's the deal.

There are many cultists of Tep among the Arisen, but they're not the only danger out there. Some tombs have been cursed with powerful necromantic spells that turn nearby undead into mindless killing machines.

Simply destroying the monsters is pointless. We need to deal with the underlying cause and remove those curses. Take this holy water and sprinkle it on five tombs. That should cleanse any dark magic from them.


I've encountered these cultists before and it's always the same dirty tricks and general nastiness. I wish we could find out if their overlord Tep was still alive. We'll have to settle for killing off their minions for now though.


Helping the authorities is a wise move on your part. I'll tell the right people that you've helped me today. Perhaps you'll be given even more important missions in the near future. I hope you realize what a great honor that would be!


Experience: +1020

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