Steel vs Wood



Pick your side in the upcoming battle
  • Talk to Catherina about choosing sides
  • Choose your side in the war
    (Depending on your decision, you will participate in the Battle for Ambrosia on the side of the Children or the Expedition, and you will receive the reward of the chosen faction.)


Well, we no longer have a choice - we failed to reach an agreement with the All-Mother, and our time is running out. Felix and Ivan wanted us to occupy the Ambrosia Valley which sprawls northward of the base. The Ambrosia can be harvested there in large amounts. But it looks like these Children are going to stop us.
The chances of winning are nearly equal - they have all the forces of their home world on their side, and we have the power of technomagic and the Ambrosia.
I know that many sympathize with the natives, but for now I need to understand which side you are on.


It's an important decision.


Good. Your decision, your choice. I hope you understand the consequences.


Experience: +22890

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