Flowers of War



Fight in the Battle for Ambrosia and trap three opponents.
  • Fight in the Battle for Ambrosia
    (The battle schedule can be found in the calendar.)
  • Trap a few enemies 3/3
    (Places to set traps appear in the Ambrosia Valley during the battle.)


Child of Sarn, the forces of the Expedition are heavily armed, but we have something we can use against them.
The forest has accepted you. Now you need to learn how to use the enemy's power against them.
Tenacious roots, poisonous spores, and deadly thorns are the natural defenses of Eden. Now you can call on some of that power to help you.
Use traps against enemies.


You can learn about other types of traps from me.
Now I want you to learn how to deal with poison spitters.



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