Treasures of Astral Depths



Fight Mechanoids to collect 10 high-powered batteries and install them on the small boat. Fly through several anomalies and use the Experimental Stabilizer to destroy them, then return to the Buzzing Family.


It's done. Good as new! Well, almost. I had to weld it here, glue it there... We're almost sure it works exactly the way it should!
We'll explain how to use it. A while ago, new Wormholes to undiscovered layers of the Astral appeared. Can you imagine how enthusiastic the headquarters of both the League and the Empire grew? New opportunities, new islands, new treasures! Only they couldn't reach them: these Wormholes are so polluted with anomalies that any probe gets tied in a knot. A new race began: who'll be the first to invent a device that would stabilize the Astral. As you can see, the Empire has won... though Chimera's crew didn't have enough time to properly test it.
There are lots of such anomalies around Irdrich. We've prepared a small boat - it's frayed, but it will work for a while. However, we don't have any batteries to install on it. There's a lot of old bangers around here, you may get a few batteries from them. Start the engine and approach an anomaly. The device must neutralize it. If everything runs smooth, the way into new astral layers will be open!


If the device works, we're in for a gold rush. Can you imagine everyone racing one another into that new layer? And what if there's nothing there, he he he!


It works... We can't believe it, it works! Now let's take care of Tep quick so we can get our hands on the treasures of the deep Astral!


Experience: +930

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