Treasures of the New Layer



Talk to Vlastemir Naymitov at the port.


Oh, those mercenaries! Are they shrewd! No sooner were the device blueprints made public than a crowd of greenhorn Novices rushed into the new Astral layer, though they had no navigation experience whatever, let alone in the old layers. And while their Sparks were taking a breather in the Purgatory, the mercenaries flew their ships there and arranged flights for Novices supervised by experienced astral aces. They're cultivating both their customer base and a replacement generation. What about you, have you got the guys to fly? If so, talk to Vlastemir Naymitov, he'll tell you everything.


We never run out of customers ever since we got this miracle of an astral machine. We hardly have time to stuff our pockets with gold! What, you also want to lay your hands on treasures of the new layer? Then listen up.



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