Unseen Traces



Find Silvia de Vevre's expedition in the Hills.


It is just as I thought. The Architect didn't damage his creation by introducing strange unbeatable creatures. Instead, he carefully wove them into the fabric of his creation as evil spirits. They manipulate events by putting up obstacles in the saboteurs' path, while keeping the world's logic unharmed. Though the spirits themselves are naturally bodiless, they still have a presence. They leave behind traces, if you will. For a capable seer, tracking them is no more difficult than tracking a forest animal is for an experienced hunter.
I recall that there were three highly talented seers in that expedition team. If memory serves me right, they are called the Brainiac family. At the moment they have gone off to the Hills with the sorceress Silvia de Vevre. Of course, you realize that this matter is no less important. I recommend that you find the expedition and ask for help before you encounter another Lictor, or worse...


Oh, you are right on time!


Experience: +310

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