Tropical Spice



Collect 15 Cardamom Flowers in the Hills and bring them to Silvia de Vevre.


In the interest of full disclosure, before we were forced to look for our lost companions, the main goal of our expedition was collection of rare plants for alchemical potions. I fear we don't have time for that anymore, but I can't just go back empty-handed, right?
I've noticed that there is some kind of spicy herb growing around the camp. According to this field guide, I think it's cardamom. It doesn't grow in our altitude, and what a pity - its properties are perfectly suited for a particularly valuable potion.
Unfortunately, I am a scholar, not a fighter. There are monsters in these woods, and all of my tough guys have run off in search of adventures. Please be so kind as to collect ten flowers for my experiments. Better yet, make that 15.


By the way, cardamom is an excellent spice. Although we probably should test this variety for toxicity...


Thank you! Well, at least the day wasn't completely wasted.


Experience: +12400

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