Tekyans' Helpers




Kill 15 Seedworms in the orange grove on Sunny Ridge and report to Te-Ma.


Some may say that good deeds don't get you anywhere in life, but don't you believe them. Like a fragrant flower, a good person wraps himself in the aroma of his good deeds. Wherever he may go, the word of his good deeds precedes him!
What kind of help do we need? Ah, this dilemma is as old as the garden itself. Perhaps the Immortals are testing us so? Our wonderful trees have been riddled with seedworms for centuries. Large and ferocious, they devour oranges along with branches! Whole generations of gardeners have been exterminating them time after time, but there are always more. If you kill at least fifteen of them, you'll make my life so much easier!


Seedworms have been besieging our grove without respite, like temptations of a sinful world that constantly assail a righteous mind which seeks only enlightenment.


That's fifteen less insects disrupting the peace of our sacred grove and damaging our fragrant trees. Thank you! Remember, any help given to the Tekyan people is not wasted. My people always answer kindness with kindness, and we don't forget favors!


Experience: +5355
  • +500 reputation points with Tequatl

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