Striped Plague



Kill 14 tigers in the Impassable Wilderness and report to Silk-Thread in Tequatl.


Are you the unbeatable warrior everyone's been talking about? Oh, of course it's you, who else could it be? Forgive me, my head is all screwed up from fear and anger.
Oh, Immortals, what devil crocodile brought me here... And why oh why did I drag my brother with me? I was arrogant, wanted to teach him... And, of course, we had to encounter an entire pride of tigers! Glory to the Benefactor, we managed to escape. But my bro is badly wounded... What if he never walks again? And it's all my fault!
if you really are a warrior without equal, won't you help me? I have to stay here to take care of my brother, no way I can leave the village. But we can't let a pride of tigers lurk right outside Tequatl, especially not after they've tasted Tekyan blood! Find them and kill them all. I'll find a way to repay you.


Life is unfair: some people play the hero and get whatever they want, while others get into a big fat mess the moment they step foot out the door!


Are there any tigers left around Tequatl? Thank you! Tekyans will never forget you!


Experience: +6300
  • +300 reputation points with Tequatl

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