Contemplating the Swamp




Collect 8 portions of toad and asp poison by fighting them in the northern part of Selva Chetou and bring them to Sunny Creek in Tequatl.


Look at how brilliantly this world is structured! Nothing is accidental, there is always another side to everything, and then another side, and so on and so forth, ad infinitum! Take, for instance, the swamp in Selva Chetou. At first glance it seems like an impassible quagmire. But if you look a little closer, it is swarming with all sorts of life, albeit much of it isn't sentient: mosquitoes, leeches, toads, snakes... But can you even call that life? A closer look reveals that even the tiniest swamp bug is venomous! But the extraordinary fact is that their venom is used to make the most potent remedies, which extend the lives of Tekyans up to a century!
Now that's something worth contemplating. Even a half hour would be sufficient to attain incredible insights! And when you return, you must share them with me! Oh, and should you decide to collect some venom, be sure to share that as well - there'll always be use for it. However, your primary objective is to contemplate nature!


Asp poison has no color or scent. Toad poison is thick and malodorous. Yet they serve the same purpose!


Oh, thank you! Well, did contemplating the swamp inspire you to new and wonderful insights?


Experience: +4410
  • +300 reputation points with Tequatl

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