Return from the Dead



Use the Face of Death to resurrect the dead cultists in the Scientific Quarter until you manage to interrogate one of them, and return to Semer Hatshah.


Well, well... I can't help but notice that there are several Arisen among the withered bodies. I think it wouldn't even be wrong to assume that they were faithful apologists of Tep. Which means they can tell us what Tep had to do with this place!
Here, take this mask. It is called the Face of Death. It can return the Spark to a dead body for a short time. If it works, maybe we will find out something important!


I wonder whether Tep Cultists were here before the Laboratory stopped working, or came after?


Well, well... this is very interesting! It's a shame that cultist didn't say more. But still he said something.
That Source that Tep was looking for... Maybe it caused the mutations of all those animals in the Bestiary? This is the kind of technology Tep could be interested in! He was a genius, though a mad genius. That's very, very interesting!
We should get into the central laboratory as soon as possible. But who was that Negus Jeeg?


Experience: +7030

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