Generation 3 Banners



Bring ten pieces of brocade cloth.


What can be worse than losing your own banner? You’ll become a laughingstock, and no one will ever take you seriously.
I heard a story about one General Sidorov who lost their regimental standard during the battle of Umoir. Poor bastard... He never recovered from it. He couldn’t handle the shame and quietly wasted away, turning into an undead!
But you’re not like that, are you? So make sure to keep the banner safe! To transform your old banners into Generation 3 Banners, I need a proper material. Only the finest brocade will do. Get it for me and come back.
And remember: the leaders of your guild must decide who will bear them.


Back already?


Your guild can now use Generation 3 Banners! Oh, this is a masterpiece. Just imagine it flying high!



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