Make yourself at home



Retrieve Nogrom’s belongings and important parts of the ship from the shipwrecked Callisto at the White Hook.


Great, chief! Are you hurt? Okay, good.
I’ve been planning a trip to our ship, but the iron imps decided to attack us. Can’t sneak past them... Hm...
Yes, I need some stuff from my ship. The locals complain that the Citadel has no defenses to speak of. Hah! We’ll set some up easily as soon as I get my tools and supplies back. They don’t even have a proper workshop here! But that’s fine, we’ll manage...
Hey, maybe you and Skulnar can grab a few things?


So... Cannon ball... grenades... good! The drone is intact! I was afraid they’d explode before they let you catch them... What? What box? Ah, it exploded. Oh well. I don’t even remember what was inside.


Experience: +128325

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