Light Science



Use Sarbaz Sais’s artifact against the Destroyers.


Wait a second... I need to ask you something.
You see, I’ve always been interested in the way Light could be used in technomagic. It’s one of the reasons I ended up joining the Church. And I have good grounds for believing that I’m close to completing my research!
Here, take this artifact. It’s a weakened version of my prototype. Weakened because it’s dangerous to trust a stranger with a technomagical device, especially if the power of said device largely depends on its bearer’s faith. All you need to do is test it on the Destroyers. Technically, it works against all demons, but if I were you, I wouldn’t aim it at our, ahem, “friends”. It may cause spontaneous combustion and misunderstanding...


If I were you, I wouldn’t aim it at our, ahem, “friends”. It may cause spontaneous combustion and misunderstanding...


Testing in field conditions was successful! Music for my dead ears.
Thank you very much. I can start adjusting it now.


Experience: +123975

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