Search in the Dark



Find the source of madness.
  • First beacon installed
  • Second beacon installed
  • Third beacon installed


Well, the task is clear. Magotriangulation in a place like this can be greatly hampered by noise, but at least the streams from the upper levels will not interfere in the picture.
The A.I.D. has all beacons you need for the operation. You must install them properly. Like this...
In your position, I would be prepared for... unpleasant surprises. Who knows what hides in the dark. We are only at the very tip of the iceberg.
Good luck!


In your position, I would be prepared for... unpleasant surprises. Who knows what hides in the dark. We are only at the very tip of the iceberg.


The picture is not very clear. But the source is unmistakable, for it's very powerful. What is that noise?
You'd better hurry, Stormbringer. You shouldn't sit around expecting someone else's orders. We have... What we have here... There's some unrest. I'm sorry, it's hard for me to think. Protection of Imperius and Alastar doesn't apply to me. I'm not physically present.


Experience: +59150

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