Night of Fire



Join the celebration of the Burning Claw tribe.
  • Lizard Food consumed
    (Take food from Issit, the Fiery Dishes Keeper.)
  • Potion of the Flaming Soul drunk
    (Take potion from Massash, the Flaming Spirit Keeper.)
  • Ritual Outfit equipped
    (Take outfit from Sakhash, the Concealed Faces Keeper.)
  • Enter the Burning Circle
    (Ask Hussa, the Keeper of the Ring, to let you in.)
  • Burning Claw Spirit bowed to
  • Tribal Dance danced 3/3
    (Follow dancing Kiela.)
  • Hissit-Asha-Shi faced
  • Gift accepted


Outlander bring luck! Stay, Outlander. We have a big feast tonight!
Hissit-Asha-Shi, the great spirit, talk to me in shaman's dream. He invite you. Very persistent. He say, you're lost in the dark. He wants to help.
Let the horse stay, too. And the statue. Let's celebrate with the Claw!


Good morning!
Hiss Abyss says, their patron blessed you last night. He's right. Something has changed about you.
Spirits are with you, Stormbringer. This is good.


Experience: +97650

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