Hunting Uro-Boros



Join the hunt for Uro-Boros and defeat it.
You can learn the details from Reya the Merciless near the Landfill on Suslanger.
  • Defeat Uro-Boros
    (Sometimes it emerges after the Storm.)


We are going on a hunt for this vermin! Death to the worm! He has devoured too many of our brethren. It's time for payback!
Will you join us? Look, I think that creature has plenty of useful stuff in its belly - I doubt it can digest meteorite ore! So come with us, you won't leave empty-handed!


Patience, land dweller. Wait for the worm to get closer to the surface - that's when we'll get it!


The worm is defeated? But as we know from experience, it will be back! It's really hard to kill - even if you cut it into pieces, it will just grow back the missing parts! So come back next week, we'll be hunting it again!



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