Stealing from Thieves



Find the hidden treasure to the south and report your success to Squall the Unyielding.


Alright, I'll tell you this: as a shaman and the clan leader, I have to deal with all sort of things, some of them ridiculous.
Like this one time, for example... A Xadaganian shows up, complaining that my guys stole a chest from him. It turns out that he was... Obsessed with Nezeb. I mean, he is so devoted to Nezeb that he keeps making offerings to him. Not bloody or anything, just... stuff. And his memory is failing... So he forgot where he left his chest with offerings, so he started accusing my guys. But we sorted that out...
Except we never found that chest. I bet it's still near some memorial. I'd start with the Victory Park, the demon memorial is the most striking of those. But I have no time for that...


So this is what Squall was talking about? Interesting...


Experience: +380

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