Squall's Answer



Meet with the Spirit of Competition and give him Squall's message.


Now it's time to answer Fiercetusk's ultimatum. You know, we shamans rule because we don't just throw ourselves onto the battlefield. We choose the moment we fight, and we do so on our terms. Can you see the difference?

My answer will be that of a civilized Imperial Orc.

There is a stadium between Izune and the Astral Quarter. It will become an arena for battle between the shamans and the warriors. And no, it won't be Goblinball! It will be an honest battle.

Go to the stadium and talk to the Spirit of Competition. Only he is trustworthy enough to judge the competition. Everything will be fair!

I assume you would like to participate. You can tell the Spirit which side you choose to fight for, but I strongly recommend you fight for the shamans!


So, Squall accepted Fiercetusk's challenge? Great! That means we've got a fight on our hands!

Do you want to take part? Then pick a side to fight for. Which do you prefer - the simple, steadfast, and direct warriors, or the crafty, cunning, and clever shamans?


Experience: +380

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