Spider Stomping



Kill 8 Steppe Spiders and Widixa and report to Nezeb Proskurin.


I am cursed with my name! My parents, being the true Imperial patriots that they were, named me after our great leader. Of course, a Xadaganian with such a name must live up to it and do great things! Especially after the disappearance of my illustrious namesake, may his name be blessed.

At first I pursued magical studies, aspiring to be a Great Mage. But soon afterwards Yasker, may he be blessed as well, passed a decree regarding the closure of elemental magic schools for Xadaganians. Apparently, the Arisen are now given top priority for training in the magical arts!

That's how I ended up where I am today - a Nezeb, but not a mage, a servant of the City Council, but of the lowest rank possible. And yet I am given responsibilities that are far beyond my station!

For example, gigantic spiders have appeared near Nezebgrad. Who is sent to solve this problem? Not the Sentinels, oh no. It's Nezeb Proskurin! The fact that they're huge and led by an enormous female which kills her own mates doesn't seem to make a bit of difference.

Can you go and do it? I'm scared to even go outside the city walls at the thought of those terrifying beasts! Please...?


Why does everyone else have normal names! Pavel, Alexey, Mikhail... But me - I am Nezeb! How can I live like this?


Really?! Wow, I envy your strength. Hey, maybe I should start my life again? Assume a new name, board the first ship I see, and go to some exotic place.

It's tempting, but as soon as I go to change my name I'm sure I'll get dragged before the Council. "And what is this, citizen Nezeb? You don't like the name of our great leader?" What can you say to that?


Experience: +760

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