Finding the Root of the Corruption



Meet with Rysk the Crafty near the Sewage Plant.


So listen here.
The Council is worried. Something bad is brewing in the country. The police are now involved with the bandits. For example, were you not surprised at Stepan Velikanin's reaction to Slouch's murder? Or that the capital has been swamped with prohibited literature right under Yasker's nose? The stuff is everywhere - Elven filth for the easily corruptible, and inaccurate historical studies for wise guys who like to express their political opinions over the kitchen table. And what about the way the Sentinels suppressed the investigations into those matters? Which brings us to the matter at hand.
Yes, unfortunately the Council suspects them of involvement. Aren't they the Fifth Column? By a whim of fate, you are at the very center of these events, and as a true citizen of the Empire you cannot refuse the demands of the Council. You must help bring our common enemy to justice. One of our agents is waiting for you by the sewage plant to the west. He will give you further instructions.


Did Stas Propashin send you?


Did Stas Propashin send you?
I have some information for you.


Experience: +1600

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