Stolen Blueprints



Find the Power Plant Blueprints and bring them to Victor Mozarov.


Forgive me for intruding and distracting you from important business. Things are in such a mess that nobody has time for my little problem.

Although now that I think about it, it's really not a little problem at all. You see, blueprints were made for the planned modernization of the entire XAES. The plant's magical capacity is already insufficient and the needs of the city grow every day. These blueprints could tell the enemy a lot about the principles used to construct the power plant.

And... well... a League saboteur got them. I saw him grab a whole pile of papers from my desk. I don't know his name, he didn't stop to introduce himself.

If you can find those designs in the course of your other missions, there would be no limit to my gratitude! Please keep an eye out for them!


How's it going? Have you found the designs? I might have a problem or two if they remain in the hands of the enemy.


Thank you so much! Phew! That's a weight off my shoulders alright. My wife nearly drove herself mad packing our things. We thought we'd be driven out of Nezebgrad for my mistake! My family is forever in your debt.


Experience: +800

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