Wrokag's Letter



Meet with Wrokag the Northwind in Yasker’s Tower


The letter reads as follows:

"So, {username}!
I know you and Yasker are at odds, but the matter is too important to be left unresolved.
This witch Hirkalla now holds us all in an iron fist, but while we are slaving for her, the world is falling apart. And I'm not joking. You'll see for yourself.
Anyway, we need to talk. I'm not leaving Yasker's Study, so we'll meet here.
Come see me before it's too late."

Judging by the letter, Wrokag's matter will bear no delay. Why did the Supreme Shaman of the Orcs decide to write to you?
Although you haven't been to Yasker's Tower in a while, you should answer the old Orc's call.


Well, what's taking so long?


Phew, I was thinking of sending the City Council after you...


Experience: +173250

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