Howlem awaits!


  • Starts:
  • Ends:
  • Faction: LeagueLeague
  • Level: 100
  • Required level: 98
  • Zone:


Go to Howlem and talk to Murk
  • Go to Howlem


The Great Tree of Howlem is the oldest known to me. If it doesn't help us, nothing else will.
The Pridens are not happy to see uninvited guests here, so I asked your old friend to help us. We are talking about Murk, of course...
How do we get there? No, we don't need a ship. Know that mystics have a great secret, {username}. The magic of the Astral is very powerful, and there is a secret spell of transportation that only the strongest mind knows.
When you're ready, tell me so, and I'll take you all with me to Howlem.


Yes, this is Howlem, the home world of the Pridens.


Aho, {username}!
You won't be pleased by this news.
Howlem's Tree is dying faster than the others. And our allod has already begun to crumble. If this is not stopped, soon the Pridens will lose their homeland.


Experience: +347050

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