



Obtain 9 servings of Bear Fat, then render them into 3 servings of Bear Grease at the fire. When you are done, take them to Halli Hook.


{username}, it's quite cold here, as you can see! And if you fall into the sea, you will freeze to death. But, as you can see, we have a lot of creatures dwelling here - and somehow they survive in the water, right?
Therefore, we will use some old-fashioned tricks. Let's be like animals! Take bears, for example. They have special fat under their skin, and that's why they don't freeze. So for us the only way to survive in the icy water - is to generously smear Bear Grease all over ourselves.
I never go fishing without Bear Grease! You never know. I might tumble into the water, the fur will get wet, and that’s it - my little brothers will be left alone.


Don't kill more bears than necessary. If we exterminate them all, where will we get the fat? Exactly!


There you go! {username}!
We Gibberlings don't get too cold, not like Heidruns, but a bit of Bear Grease wouldn't hurt... especially after swimming in icy water.They say the Urun aren't sensitive to cold, but just in case, I advise you to use the grease: the wind is fierce here, and if your fur gets wet, you'll freeze in seconds!I don't know how someone like you endures cold - not very well, I'm sure! So feel free to cover yourself with Bear Grease, otherwise you'll die if you fall into icy water!I don't know how someone like you endures cold - not very well, I'm sure! So feel free to cover yourself with Bear Grease, otherwise you'll die if you fall into icy water!I don't know how someone like you endures cold - not very well, I'm sure! So feel free to cover yourself with Bear Grease, otherwise you'll die if you fall into icy water!I don't know how someone like you endures cold - not very well, I'm sure! So feel free to cover yourself with Bear Grease, otherwise you'll die if you fall into icy water!I don't know how someone like you endures cold - not very well, I'm sure! So feel free to cover yourself with Bear Grease, otherwise you'll die if you fall into icy water! What are you saying? Are you dead already? It will protect you from rust at least - you're wearing too much metal!I don't know how someone like you endures cold - not very well, I'm sure! So feel free to cover yourself with Bear Grease, otherwise you'll die if you fall into icy water!
Our great-grandfathers came up with it. It works flawlessly!


Experience: +180375

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