How tough are you?



Test your strength in duels.


I've already seen you fighting in the pit with Urun, but those are just overgrown cats - any Gibberling eats them for breakfast!
What about real fighters?
I can still hold my hammer and I want to see whether your hand is strong, whether you have military cunning and ingenuity. Other fellows from the families of my clan would also like to challenge you!
Well, {username}? Do you accept the challenge or not? After all, we'll be fighting together later, so we need to know what you're worth!


Yes, fighters dream of fighting you!


Well, I see you are a brave warrior, {username}! We need those. We are the Stalwart clan whose ancestors kicked the asses of the Northwind clan back in ancient times!
From the glorious warriors of our clan we formed a hird - a Gibberling detachment. Members of any clan can join it, and if circumstances require - all the Gibberlings of Isa.


Experience: +165760

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