Carpet of Fate



Collect the threads of Snow Spiders.


We have a tradition here. Everyone is supposed to be connected into a single whole, right? The Thread Keepers will explain it better. But tradition is tradition, so you should do it, too It means you need to help weave the carpet. Where do you think Threads come from?
The easiest way is the web of Snow Spiders. So you'll help us in two ways - you'll get rid of the spiders and obtain threads so you can intertwine your fate with ours. Smashing spiders is always a plus! I even envy you.
Yes, {username}, the Spinners asked you to visit them first... They want to talk to you about something.


Yes, the web of Snow Spiders is exactly what we need!


We can't do without signs and predictions!
In Skalgard, no one would step out of the house if they spilled salt at breakfast. And if someone puts an empty bottle on the table, we immediately punch them in the eye!
However, {username}, they also say that if Fate is favorable, then you can take on any challenge, even if it's hard!


Experience: +165760

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