Fiery Wolves and Smoke Bees



Eliminate the Fiery Wolves that are a threat to the bees, then bring the bees to their senses.
  • Eliminate the Fiery Wolves 10/10
  • Bring the bees to life 10/10


Withering flowers are not our only problem!
See for yourself, {username} - the valley is full of Fiery Wolves, spawn of Muspel! The keeper of the volcano Surt Junior used to keep an eye on them, but he disappeared some time ago!
The wolves have swarmed the valley and the smoke from their fire puts the bees to sleep!
I beg you - drive the wolves away and bring the bees to their senses!


Poor bees... I feel sorry for them!


Excellent! Even if we have flowers but no bees, the result is the same - no honey!
One thing is unclear - where did the guardian of the volcano go anyway? Does he not care about his pets? It's very strange.


Experience: +196620

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