Skalgard Defense: Crab Diet



Obtain 25 pieces of Crab Meat and take them to Ricky Perch.


Greetings, friend!
As the Elder of Skalgard, it is my duty to ensure that the settlement is protected, and that everyone is fed and clothed.
Now Isa is constantly receiving guests, among them Gibberlings who lived outside of Isa. We have so many people on Isa these days! Which is great and exciting, of course, but this horde needs to eat. Remember how Ricky Perch asked you to get crab meat? It doesn't matter what he told you about our preferences - we need food right now. And it seems that the most affordable food now is crabs on the shores of the Empty Sea. There are lots of them, and they are delicious, so bring at least twenty five pieces of crab meat - it's not much, but we'll send others to get some as well. We'll make chowder with pepper, mmm... yes!


Remember: we need at least twenty five pieces!


Everyone will be fed today! I hope we'll have enough crabs for a while! However, this doesn't mean we have everything we need!


Experience: +115000

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