Threads of Fate: Prophetic Bones



Collect 12 Fish Bones and take them to the Spinner Family.


We heard how the Spinners predicted a successful hunt for Lyngbakr for you! Well, it's the right way - better than searching for meanings in the Carpet of Fate. Now that Kharyskhan has been expelled from Isa, we need to know what else is coming. What will happen to the Urun, whether Frost will spare us, and what to do about the darkness...
All in all, we shouldn't pass up an opportunity to peer into the future! Collect the bones. Let's see what the sea has to say this time. Then give them to the Spinners.


I'll need half for fortune-telling, and the other half for soup...


Excellent! Bones are exactly what we need. We'll try to arrange them into verses again and see what the sea says...
Run along now. This prediction might not be about you, so you don't need to hear it! When we need you, we'll send for you.


Experience: +115000

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