Gerda's Letter



Go to Isa and visit the Strand, Stalwart, Nutlet, and Smile Families, then report to the Sharp Family.


The letter reads as follows:

"{username}! Hello, hello! It's so strange writing a letter to someone! And it will be delivered somewhere outside of Isa! Incredible!
We have put things in order after the Urun attack, and now we can offer you all sorts of tasks! Broddie wants to protect Skalgard, the Thread Keepers see different predictions, and my brothers and I want to join the Winter Watch! And everyone needs your help, so come back soon!
And don't think we'll just make you run around for nothing. You will be rewarded, of course! The Smile and Nutlet Families are working on that, in fact! You'll see what we have, and there is a little advance attached to the letter for you!"

You can go back to Isa and visit Gerda, her brothers, and other Gibberlings who have new tasks and rewards for you.


I knew you would be back!


I... oh, I mean WE are so happy to see you again!
Have you seen the penguins? They are adorable, aren't they? But the squirrels are cute, too! As you can see, there are lots of things to do on Isa. Don't think the place became boring and empty after your adventures! And if you help us, the reward will be worth it!



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