The Creator's Path: Great Battle



Defeat one of the powerful enemies in Ancient Mound, Eclipse, "Gates" Project, Fractal, Winter Palace, Battle of Gods, Observatory or Secret Paths. Report to Nikolai Promokashkin.
  • Powerful enemy defeated
    (Defeat one of the powerful enemies in Eclipse, Ancient Mound, "Gates" Project, Fractal, Winter Palace, Battle of Gods, Observatory, or Secret Paths.)


I am amazed at all the trials you've been through! The fact that you are still alive is not really surprising - the Gift of Tensess hasn't failed anyone on my memory - but I am wondering why do you always face dangers on your own?
There are battles that cannot be won single-handedly. You will need a squad of loyal allies, who will help you fight your greatest enemies!
Here is a trial that will reward with 7 precious meteorite fragments! Gather a party and defeat a power enemy in one of the dungeons.


For each trial completed I will reward you with a meteorite fragment that will prevent your allod from dissolving in the Astral.


Well, the trial is complete. Here's your reward!



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