Hirkalla's Decree: Uro-Boros



Earn 50 points of Hirkalla's favor by participating in the Hunt for Uro-Boros on Suslanger, then report back to Erfar the Bragger.
  • (Reach at least level 150 of Worm Hunter's Honor by the time Uro-Boros is defeated.)


The ruler of Sarnaut has issued a decree: the heroes must travel to Suslanger and participate in the hunt for the great worm - Uro-Boros!
Hirkalla the Darkest is prudent: she foresees that in the future the heroes still have to fight monsters on the paths between the worlds. Therefore, the battle with this worm Uro-Boros will be a good training for future challenges. Now Reya the Merciless is waiting for you, ready to announce another hunt. Only those who have passed the trial of the desert will be able to join the army of the Darkest Goddess.
Go there and join the Orcs of the Landfill to slay this worm!


The worm is still alive! Do not disappoint our ruler!


Wonderful! The worm is dead and the Orcs of the Landfill are celebrating yet another victory. Of course, Uro-Boros will rise again, but for now, take what you have earned - the signets of our lady, which can be exchanged for the goods you need.



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