Hirkalla's Decree: Assault on the Wandering Island



Earn 50 points of Hirkalla's favor by participating in the assault on the Wandering Island, then report back to Erfar the Bragger.


The ruler of Sarnaut has issued a decree: the heroes must come to the place known as the Wandering Island where they will assist the cultists of Sarn who are waging an endless battle against the wayward Wormfaces and Draconids.
Hirkalla the Darkest sees what mortals cannot see: in the final battles of the Great War that is coming, the cultists will play their role. Most of all, she wishes to protect the shard of great power that rests next to the Palace Square, for it is the key to the coming triumph of mortals in battle with the insidious gods of Light and Order.
Go there, help the commanders - Dmitri Gromov and Goliath, then capture the Palace Square.


You're still here? Our ruler's patience is not infinite!


Wonderful! The assault was carried out! I will inform the mistress of your success! For now, accept your reward: the signets of our mistress which can be exchanged for useful goods.



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