A Great Creation: Core formation



Check on the allod construction progress, get 30 meteorite fragments by completing quests given by Klim Pisarev and bring them to Axiniya Zemlemerova at the Novograd dock.


So, let's get started. To begin with, we need to form the core of the future allod. Its heart, so to say! This is a very important process. A slightest mistake can make the whole allod fall apart!
We will need 30 meteorite fragments, which can be obtained by completing Klim Pisarev's quests. Come back as soon as you obtain enough!


Just imagine - being the owner of an allod! I don't even have the words to describe what I feel when I see the birth of new land!


Excellent. Now we have enough meteorite iron to continue construction without running the risk of the Astral absorbing the results of our work!

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