Great Hunt




Track down and destroy Nimross.
  • Nimross
    (Destroy or enslave Nimross with the Seal.)


I heard about your alliance with the demons, Keeper. Many would consider your decision crazy... but I can see a potential.
Not all demons are eager to meet you halfway. My agents report spotting hostile demons at the allod's borders. One of them, a demon sorcerer of considerable might, blatantly interfered into your allod's magosphere. It is an ephemeral shell, which helps the Great Mage deter... However, I don't think it's something you care about now.
You should take into account, though, that such interference may affect the life on the allod. Astral streams brought me the name of this demon. It's Nimross.
We must repel him.


Is Nimross dead yet?


Demons took interest in the allod's growth, too. Nimross is trying to look into the nature of this phenomenon... pretty smart for a demon! Something is telling me it's not the last time we hear about him.
Frankly, I don't think he died. There's something unusual about his Astral nature. I can still feel his mental presence.



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