Bold Fool




Disguise as a Nyx, get inside of the palace where Antonis Bulbas hides, and capture the traitor.


Now we need to get rid of the traitor! But I don't want to kill him. At least, not now. First he has to tell us everything he knows about the strangers from the sky!
I will disguise you as a Nyx. It won't fool the guards, but I hope you don't run into them.
Find Bulbas in the town ruins and make him speak the truth about the strangers from the sky! When other Nyxes hear the traitor speak, they will stop believing all that nonsense.
He will pay for everything!


Don't touch me! I am Antonis Bulbas, the lord of the ancient people of Nyxes! I will freeze your blood if you touch me!
Aagh! Help me! They are trying to kill me!
Don't kill me! Please! I will serve you! I swear!


Experience: +11780

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