Head in the Clouds




Help Awki Black-Feather and pick up the order from Dermos in Polis.


What a wonder... hic... ful day, friend! I have never seen so many awesome creatures in one place! Maybe these Games are a good idea after all - what do you think, Stormbringer?
Every Dominus has something special prepared for our guests, and I am no exception. However, my trial is rather humble. Just flying on Pegasi! Have you seen their wings? Those noble creatures were born to... hic... dominate the skies!
Though Pegasi’s temper is horrible. Those creatures are mean! I asked the Aviaks for help - they surely know how to deal with the winged beasts. The Aviak chieftain was willing to help and he sent his own son - you can find him near the stables if you wish to give him a hand. Awki was his name, I think, hic...
Oh, I almost forgot! I’ve got to collect my order from that leatherworker in Polis. I would be so grateful if you could do it for me!


Dermos has crafted something very special for me! I can’t wait to see it...


Oh, poor winged things. Well, they deserved that! At least it will teach them some humbleness.
What about my order? Was it ready? Ah, so you’ve seen it already... Well, I guess now you know what’s waiting for our guests! Thank you for your help, friend!
How about taking a ride?


Experience: +20335

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