Guard of Creation



Convince Soliskar to help Cassandra.


Nordrak will die soon, but his power and spirit will remain with us - in the shape of the Tree. It is one with the Dragon force, and we still need Dragons in our world... I was supposed to meet one here, actually. And I already have - I gave her the sprout, and now she takes care of it.
So now if anyone can help you, it’s Soliskar - that’s her name. She couldn’t have gone too far; in fact, I believe the Aoidoi invited her to stay.
I believe since the Dragons and the Tree have so much in common, she can help you cure Cassandra, right?


However grateful I am for what you did on that damned ship, I wouldn’t want to end up on the same allod as you.
You are called Stormbringer for a reason.


Experience: +6225

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