Nezeb's First Feat




Kill the City Crows and report back to Natalia Suvorina, the Guardian of the First Nezeb Memorial near the City Council.


"...And when Nezeb was defeated in the duel of the Great Mages, he was banished to the arid desert. The earth was blessed, for he became the leader of a people.
The Xadaganians had wandered between wind-swept dunes in rusty wagons, our wives' hands bleeding and our children crying sand instead of tears. Sandstorms and vicious jackals took many lives, but we did not abandon hope. An ancient prophecy foretold that a messenger from above would descend upon the golden sands to lead the people to a new era. And so the Great Nezeb descended and became our leader.
But the trials of our people were not over. One day the Xadaganians found their path blocked by monstrous Aviaks. Their wings blotted out the sun and the skies became dark. Their terrible croaks filled the desert, and husbands could not even hear their wives' parting words. It was then that the Great Nezeb opened his heart to holy wrath and committed the first of his heroic acts. He did this for us, his people. The Aviaks vanished without a trace. And so the Xadaganians continued their journey to greatness."
You now have to repeat Nezeb's heroic act. Fortunately, there are no Aviaks here but we do have crows. Think of Nezeb and kill eight of them in his name. They are especially numerous along the borders of the Old Square.


The crows are worse than the Aviaks! Those disgusting birds defile the memorial. I have to clean it every day.
Oh, great Nezeb! Why did I do to get stuck with this memorial?!


Congratulations! You have completed your pilgrimage! Hopefully I'll have less to do now. Go speak with Yana Vezirova at the Bort Quarter.


Experience: +1125

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