Communication Session



Contact Yasker using the subspace communicator and receive further instructions.
  • Camp visited again
  • Yasker called using subspace communicator
    (This can be done in the Imperial camp only)
  • (You can get the device from Leonid Brelin in the Imperial Camp on Irdrich)


All right, wait. I will try to understand the structure of the spell. All June teleportation stones were assigned to old world coordinates and this stone is probably no exception.
Triangulation... Adjustment of two minutes... Dislocation of 1.5 degrees due south by southwest... Aha! Here it is!
Some strange results. This place is recorded as "Irdrich," but this is the first time that I hear about this allod. I think I saw some mention in the ancient records of a legendary island hidden among sharp reefs, and therefore inaccessible to navigators of that time. But there were no Great Mages, which means that the island should have dissolved in the Astral long-long time ago. Strange. We should probably report this to Yasker immediately! But don't try to do it right here! Secrecy above all!


Well, what happened to you? As a matter of fact, I have a top secret meeting to attend!


Irdrich? No, never heard about such an allod. Perhaps if we check the old records, then something might be cleared up.
However, this is not important right now. As I understand it, you weren't able to find the evidence of Tep's presence yet? Then you haven't searched hard enough! I don't believe that our recon data is erroneous and our scouting is for naught. It seems like you are not looking in the right place.


Experience: +1500

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