Path of Mystery



Measure the tension of magic flows near the ice knobs on the surface of the lake.
  • Data from the ice knob recorded
    (Use the Magimeter to measure strange magic energy coming through the surface of the lake.)
  • Data from the ice block recorded
    (Use the Magimeter to measure strange magic energy coming through the surface of the lake.)
  • Final measurements taken
    (Use the Magimeter to measure strange magic energy coming through the surface of the lake.)
  • Source of magic anomaly found
    (Reach the bottom of the lake and examine the hidden object.)
  • Location explored
  • The Empire soldier questioned


This is a weird place. I can sense the prresence of the spirits, but they don't want to talk to me. Old blood, empty mind... and sorcery! Those ice knobs make my fur stand up. Do you feel that, too, zoor?
Herbert wanted mysteries? Well, that's one heck of a mystery. I swear on the grave of my ancestors, something wicked happened here. The blood was flowing... But we need to be sure.
Have you calibrated your magical compass, or whatever that Elven device is called? Magometerr? Magi-...? Magimeter, alright. Trry to measure those ice knobs. I'm sure Herbert will be surprised with the results, eysh!
Be careful, the ice is thin.


What are you doing here? I thought I sent you to calibrate the Magimeter!


Hey, wake up! Do you hear me? Light be thanked! We thought your Spark got lost on the way to the Purgatory.
Are you wondering what has happened? So do I. Wait, let me tell you what I saw.


Experience: +60350

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