Keys to a Nightmare



Find a way to enter the Bestiary. Report to Vincent Trickov at the Eastern Terminal.


Well... As much as Herbert cares about our safety, we need to continue the research! Obviously the Bestiary holds the key to many answers. What was the Empire doing here? I'm just curious as a scientist, I'm not going to run to the League Defenders and report on it.
We have found the entrance. Now we just need to unlock it! And really doubt it is opened for all visitors. If someone managed to evacuate during that tumult, they must have sealed all the doors. Murk mentioned that he saw some decomposed bodies not far from the place were you blacked out. Maybe we should search them? I bet my microscope those were scientists trying to escape.
Come back as soon as you find a way to open the door. The expedition still needs your help, and I really hate to take your precious time.


I really doubt that the Bestiary will help us find out anything about Tep. But we have plenty of mysteries apart from that!


So, those scientists perished after all? I'm sorry to hear that. At least the passage is opened now - thanks to the code.
When you enter the Bestiary, be careful. You have no chance in there unless you go with a squad of warriors as strong as you are.


Experience: +18980

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