Thunder and Flames


Eliminate 20 Mechanoids M-2 at the Eastern Terminal. Use the hand-held mortar to explode the barrels with fuel.


Ha! Frrankly, I was thinking of taking down the turrets with another thing. This one. Herbert calls it a hand-held mortar. I'm glad I have it with me. The tin cans we saw before are just rusty junk comparing to these machines.
You see that big building, zoor? It's the terminal, the trrain station. I think we can turn it into our headquarters. But first we need to make sure it's safe. That is where we might need the mortar.
The tin cans are strong, but stupid - they're prowling among explosive barrels. One spark would be enough to blow them all up, eysh! And this thing spits fire like a drragon, eysh! Wait until a tin can approaches a barrel, then shoot. Of course you can destroy them in any other way, but it's always better to use your head, zoor?
As soon as this place is safe, the expedition will settle near the terminal. Report to Herbert when you see him.


What for heaven's sake was that? It seemed as if the allod was splitting from the inside! We'd even started setting up for emergency evacuation. Fortunately, Elena told us what was going on.
I should have foreseen it. Murk just couldn't have resisted the temptation to try out the mortar. But I'm really surprised that he got you involved!
Ah, anyway... We have just arrived here, and we are already surrounded by mysteries. And that's wonderful! Mysteries are our expertise and our passion. Before we start working, we need to solve several pressing problems. Talk to the members of the expedition and help them with that.


Experience: +14600

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